This policy document explains how Lee Rowing Club uses information provided by members to the Club. In formulating the Club Data Protection Policy, we adhere to the guidelines laid down by the office of the Data Commissioner in implementing the Data Protection Acts of 1988 and 2003.
Personal data means data relating to a living individual who is or can be identified either from the data or from the data in conjunction with other information that is in, or is likely to come into, the possession of the data controller.
Data Controllers are those who, either alone or with others, control the collection, contents and use of personal data collected by the Club.
The Data Protection Acts of 1988 and 2003 convey a number of responsibilities on Data Controllers in relation to the personal data collected about individuals by Lee Rowing Club and stored electronically or in a structured manual file. These may be summarised as follows:
- Obtain and process information fairly.
All new members are required to complete a Club Application form. We use this information to administer the Club, to provide you with the services that you and your child/children receive at the Club, to meet the purposes of performing the Club’s obligations to you, and for administration, risk assessment, health and safety responsibilities of the Club, and also to fulfil the registration requirements of Rowing Ireland.
Rowing Ireland’s Registration and Tracker System:
Lee Rowing Club is affiliated to Rowing Ireland, which is the National Governing Body for the sport in Ireland. Rowing Ireland operates a database and allocates each individual member of every affiliated club a unique personal identifier. Rowing Ireland uses its database details for the provision of a ranking and grading system for all individual members of affiliated Clubs.
In completing a Club Membership Form to join Lee Rowing Club, you agree that the Club may provide your name, gender, date of birth to Rowing Ireland for the purposes of operating their database in the course of their day to day administration of Rowing in Ireland.
- The data must be kept for a specified, lawful purpose.
See note under 1 above.
- The data should be used and disclosed only for the specified purpose.
See note under 1 above. We may disclose your data to coaches operating at the Club on a need-to know-basis for the purpose of ranking members in crews appropriate to their age and gender, and for health and safety reasons. Your personal data may also be disclosed to the Child Welfare Officers if requested for child welfare reasons.
In addition, adult members’ phone contact and/or email details will be shared with some members as required for the purposes of arranging transport to/from rowing events and for coordinators to contact members to get assistance when organizing club events.
- The data must be kept safe and secure.
The data collected is held on hard copy application forms stored securely by the Membership Secretary either at home or in the Clubhouse, and on electronic database/spreadsheet applications that are password protected and accessible to The President, The Captain and the Vice-Captain only.
- The data must be up to date, accurate and complete.
You agree to keep the Club informed of any changes to the personal data that you provide to the Club.
- The data must be relevant, adequate but not excessive.
The Club will only request data necessary to provide you with the services that you and your child/children receive at the Club, to meet the purposes of performing the Club’s obligations to you, and for administration, risk assessment, health and safety responsibilities of the Club and also to fulfil the registration requirements of Rowing Ireland.
- The data must be retained for no longer than is necessary.
The data will be held as long as the person remains a member of Lee Rowing Club. In addition, the Club maintains a database of past members who agree to be contacted for Club ceremonies and functions. If you wish, upon leaving the Club, to have personal information about you deleted/securely destroyed, you may write to the membership Secretary at
- A copy of the data must be made available to the data subject, on request.
You are entitled to write to the Membership Secretary at to request a copy of your personal data which the Club holds. Should inaccuracies exist in your personal data held by the Club, you are entitled to request that the Club amend or erase it.
General Consent
Where you have provided information about another person (e.g. a minor), you confirm that they have appointed you to act for them or that you are legally entitled to act for them, to consent to the processing of their personal data, and to receive, on their behalf, any data protection notices from the Club or Rowing Ireland.
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